Monday, 25 January 2016

How Artificial Snow Needs to Nucleate

I guess in many place in the United State you don't need to make snow artificially.  However, snow still needs to nucleate in order to go from water to snow.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Biophysics of Superheroes

Thank you for visiting this thing that could be called a blog or aggregate of suface tension material.  I am a biophysicist by training but superhero enthusiast by hobby.  I have combined these two to learn how biophysically relevant are superheroe powers and if not could they be?  I would like to disseminate it to people and I have started writing the book.  If you are interested in hearing about the release date and some of the content please let me know in the comments.  If you have any good ideas I would love to know about them.