Sunday 9 October 2011

FYFD is an awesome Tumblr Blog!

This blog is very esoteric but tries to relate surface tension and how to measure it to everyday life.  The interesting thing about surface tension is that there are a lot of interesting news stories as well as science and art projects that people are doing that makes it fun to blog about.  However, I never really saw anybody else blogging about similar things until today.

I saw this really cool site called  Fuck Yeah Fluid Dynamics.  I read about this site on Pulse (the best place to get news) via I09 via Physics of Fluids.  Check it out....  It has a lot of really cool videos and some explanations.  If you like understanding fluid properties, surface tension it ect. you will fall in love with this site.  I will repost the best ones or ones that relate to this blog.