Wednesday 17 August 2011

Why NASA Needs Tensiometers

I am both fascinated and disappointed by NASA.  They are doing great work in finding new things on the Moon and Mars as well as giving us earthlings new technology.  This new information of finding three years ago 'beads of liquid brine were first photographed on one of the Phoenix lander's legs.'  This is important because "on Earth, everywhere there's liquid water, there is microbial life.''  One of the great things about life is that it can be spontaneous with lipid films existing on the surface of the water and according to researchers at NASA 'microbes don't need much. A droplet or a thin film could suffice.'.  So if NASA and other space researchers had something like a Langmuir Blodgett trough they could determine the best conditions that may be needed to support life on a very icy place like Mars.

See the article here.

However, I mentioned that I am disappointed that it is going so slow.  If you asked someone 60 years ago where they thought where we would be in the space program I think they would have responded, 'Living on the Moon.'  Instead the US is now acting more or less like a Dominos Pizza delivery guy supplying the space station with new supplies.  I think that with the deregulation of producing rockets and with newer ways to study emerging lifeforms from commercial companies we might just find live on the moon and find life on Mars.  These commercial companies will allow NASA to continue with their bold mission statement: 'To improve life here, to extend life to there, to find life beyond', at a slow but steady pace.